nik gaffney

Results 25 comments of nik gaffney

basic support for `simplenote:` hyperlinks can be found [here](, and similarly with `file:` links it assumes some stability of filenames and note keys for the links.

might be useful to add something like `simplenote+search:` and `simplenote+tag:` links that could filter the note list, but requires a bit more work. also, if there is a simple way...

glad you are finding it useful @pataquets it's still basic but works well enough for me as is. I think there are two obvious ways to make the org links...

The fix suggested by @bk appears to work with notes shared between emacs, ios, web and electron clients.

e.g. ``` json { "glyph": "䷀", "name": "Qian", "name_639": { "en": "The Creative", "zh": "乾", "de": "Das Schöpferische" }, "variations": [ "en": "Force", "The Creative", "strong action", "the key", "god"...

see also

- [virtual string of beads]( - cheezburger [[1](],[[2](]

> Hagbard Celine's gigantic computer, FUCKUP (First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic-Ultramicro- Programmer) was basically a rather sophisticated form of the standard self-programming algorithmic logic machine of the time; the name was one...

Patented methods (via [Biroco]( - US Patent 3603593 (1969) – ‘I Ching fortune-telling game’ - US Patent 3598414 (1971) – ‘Method and apparatus for determining and studying philosophical and oracle...

another implementation of the yarrow stalk method at