Julio César
Julio César
> I'm also having this issue but it only happens sometimes, so I guess that it might have something to do with `vterm-timer-delay`. I'll see how it goes if I...
> @draxil if I'm not mistaken you can already do this by hitting return with point on the diff of the file you want to jump to. For me, hitting...
I was able to reproduce this issue in `ormolu`, so reported upstream here: https://github.com/tweag/ormolu/issues/1078 BTW in the meantime a workaround is to enable `OverloadedLabels` extension at the top of the...
Just found [this guide](https://medium.com/@rubenvermeulen/angular-disable-a-form-while-preserving-state-of-controls-4212d8faad0e) to be useful for a rather clean way of achieving this.
Did you tried to pass the absolute path to the `.jar` file? without using the alias `~`. Worked for me without issues.
> @zzantares What is your `PAGER` variable set to? ``` console $ echo $PAGER less ``` @j-bennet thank you for looking into this!
Have tried everything, even `(sp-local-pair "\"" nil :actions nil)` and stills does that annoying thing 😩 , I just want to go from this: `"something|"` to this `"something"|` instead of...
Thanks for the help, but sadly it still doesn't work, should I file an issue? This is what I'm using: ``` (use-package smartparens :defer 3 :diminish smartparens-mode :commands smartparens-mode :hook...
Sorry, I haven't had the time to check, let me try and see if it is fixed. Thanks.
I've tried and it looks better on the half: Will be nice to have the same height that [Vim-CtrlP](https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim) and [Vim- Dispatch](https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch) uses: However I'm happy with this fix. Not...