Hi Dr Jonkman, I love the discussion in #801, I feel I need to say _thank you_ here as well, Dr Jonkman. At one point, the papers and code by...
Thank you for these thorough comments, indeed OpenFAST is structured as it is for very good reasons, looks I've underestimated the degree of complexity. One other thing, I saw this...
Thanks Dr Jonkman. I've tried to reach out to them some time ago but didn't get response, but I think it is fair to believe that the structural aspect were...
I see, the _driver_ or the _glue-code_, a _module_ doesn't care, they play the same role from the _AeroDyn module_ perspective. Thank you Dr Jonkman, I do appreciate your time...
> I'm also noticing that your mono font appears different from what I'm used to. I'm not sure why.. I'm hoping one day to have more options to set these...