@jdee Not helped your code, The same issue in Foreground, I am getting the **null** params on calling **Branch.subscribe** in Android. ` new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { this.unsubscribeFromBranch = Branch.subscribe(({...
@branch-it @brian-springer @branchlet My **Branch.subcribe** gives **null** params in **Foreground**. When I move from the application Foreground and background and vice versa. Please check my methods below for deep linking...
This solution work for me **For Starting timer must do like this.** ``` startTimer = async () => { this.setState(() => ({ timerValue: TIMER_INTERVAL })); if (isAndroid) { await BackgroundTimer.runBackgroundTimer(()...
@uc-asa Same issue I am facing, when I started writing test cases, otherwise, there is no issue for me.