> Tty this may help you. "model.load_state_dict({k.replace('module.', ''): v for k, v in ckpt['model'].items()})" BTW, do you know why the loss value of the validation set does not seem to...
> Hi, I tried with ONNX export, but, there is some issue while inference with ONNX model because, the inference speed becomes 10 Sec per image with onnx model!!!! Hi...
@wyf0414 hi , I had this problem too, could you please tell me if you've solved it now? Thanks.
@kentang-mit hi, when I use the config file : configs/nuscenes/det/transfusion/secfpn/lidar/pointpillars.yaml to get the pointpillars backbone model. There us a part of the code that confuses me. `@BACKBONES.register_module() class PointPillarsScatter(nn.Module): def...