Thanks for your reply. My OpenCV version is 3.4.2.
sorry, I was wrong yesterday, I mean there missing copy constructor function in ImageData.h, and what the error is map/set iterator not dereferencable, and this error happens in the fuction...
But there also exists a problem in the function getImageVerticesBySolving() in MeshOptimization.cpp, I found the error is in "x=lscg.solve(b)", because I have printed x, and the values are all -1.#IND,...
I just added the path of the annotation to the json file in coco format.(e.g. annotation_info = { "id": annotation_id, "image_id": image_id, "bbox": bounding_box.tolist(), "parsing_file": annotation_filename, ...... })
Yes, the json file actually contains label annotation's path and used[ pycococreator](https://github.com/waspinator/pycococreator).
HI, @IceTTTb I didn't do evaluation on the test set (Just to be familiar with this field). The result here is test_result.png which correspondence to test_gt.png. You can follow this...