Jiashun Zhu
Jiashun Zhu
blockers: * Is RDMA branch stabilized? Any bugs to be solved? * Is code readable enough? * Are unit tests sufficient? Timeline: // TODO
Here is the only usage [example](https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/blob/master/build_in_travis_ci.sh#L63). We need to support compilation for the latest Bazel and add a separate doc for that. Ongoing PR: https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/pull/1657 Related Issues: https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/issues/1689 https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/issues/1771 https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/issues/1378...
Problem: Currently when PR is merged, we can't ensure that it can be built and compiled in MacOS Solution: https://github.com/features/actions has already supported MacOS platform
Some of the member functions of EventDispatcher are implementation specific, for example AddEpollOut. We need to change that specific function name and adopt more general name then we can easily...
Brpc already have the feature to close fd when it's idle, but it lacks the same feature for clients. This new feature can make clients close fd when servers are...
你好。 对于一个新的connection,就创建一个thread:tyhp_thread_func 然后对这个fd读,读到EAGAIN就break,接下来就调用tyhp_parse_http_request来处理这个http包,但是这个函数是假设http包已经完全读进来了。那么问题来了,如果网络有延迟或者其它原因,导致http包最后几个字节没有到达client,那么read也会返回EAGAIN,那么这次调tyhp_parse_http_request就不对了。这几个剩余的字节会伴随着下一次http请求的到来,那么下一次调tyhp_parse_http_request解析request line的时候也会出错。 所以有什么好的解决方案?可以把http包先buffer住,等到可以解析了再解析?