
Results 110 issues of zydjohnHotmail

Hello: As many web sites have migrated to use hcaptcha. And I can't find any solver for hcaptcha yet. Then only extension privacy pass is not a solver, it can...

Hello: I just found your repo., I think it is a good one, as I need such package for one of my C# .Net core project. But I tried a...

Hello: I found one of the soccer games web pages, the following useful information: var socket = io("wss://client.1proxy.xyz"); socket.on("connect", () => { socket.emit("d", videoId); }); var videoId = getParameterByName("id"); var...


Hello: I tested with mpv.net repo in Windows 10 (Version 21H1), I found that I can drag and drop one video file to play it. The video quality is good....

priority low

Hello: I usually download a number of zipped files with multiple files inside, and default download drive is not big enough to hold many big files. Therefore, I want to...

Hello: I found the repo., it seems to be promising. I have a question: can I use the repo to split a MP4 format video? For example, I have one...

question :question:
untriaged :toolbox:

Hello: I am using Xabe.ffmepg NUGET package (version 5.0.2) in one WinForms App (Windows 10 Version 21H1). I have quite a number of MP4 files, which have a square logo...

Hello: I found I can use the following ffmpeg to merge/overly 2 vidoes, so that the first video is on top of the second video. The condition is that the...

Hello: I have made one small mp4 video with duration of only 1 second, it was made of many images. And I want to make one big mp4 video with...

Hello: I see there is one Tensorflow implemention for StyleGan2 at this Github repo: https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2 But the repo is written in Python, can I can never use Python based model...