Same issue here, and the worst part is that it gives no error/warning message in logcat to tell us what is going on.
> I found a solution, it is strange but anyway it works for me: > > * Delete your Cloud project > * Instead of the following instructions from http://developers.google.com/fit/android/get-started...
SmoothScroller instance is supposed to be used for only once, next time scroll to another position you need to create a new scroller.
The issue happens here: https://github.com/ArthurHub/Android-Image-Cropper/blob/2a4a425668bfff1329dd5bfb1b80b0829bb4cc67/cropper/src/main/java/com/theartofdev/edmodo/cropper/CropImage.java#L342 It is no longer appropriate to use `Uri.fromFile(file)` in Android 11, we need to use FileProvider instead. Patch sample may look like this: if (getImage...
+1, this is a reasonable requirement.