
Results 133 comments of 钟先耀

你好,我是Intel Wifi驱动itlwm的作者,现在流传的还有一个叫AppleIntelWifi的驱动也可以驱动网卡,但是不知道你反馈的这个问题是哪个驱动的呢? 另外真巧,我也有这款电脑,可惜没装黑果.


Can you try the latest alpha version to see if it is more better?

Does your router enabled SMPS? Have you tried another router like the cellphone hotspot?

I had reproduce this issue with ac9260 + hotspot with Redmi K20P, when issue happened, the driver connect to the WiFi and then firmware crashed, but it can connect to...

@singhalrishi27 Hi, thank you for reporting this issue, can you please add `keepsyms=1` to `boot-args` then reproduce the issue again? I think it is an airport related issue.

@singhalrishi27 yes, debug kext is needed. panic logs, kext logs would be well if possible to get that.

> [Panic_LOG_After_macOS_Restart.txt](https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/files/7812528/Panic_LOG_After_ITLWM_crash.txt) [Log_2022-01-05_11-41-39.log](https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/files/7812529/Log_2022-01-05_11-41-39.log) [Log_2022-01-05_11-40-18.log](https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/files/7812530/Log_2022-01-05_11-40-18.log) [Log_2022-01-05_11-39-35.log](https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/files/7812531/Log_2022-01-05_11-39-35.log) [Log_2022-01-05_11-38-34.log](https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/files/7812532/Log_2022-01-05_11-38-34.log) [Log_2022-01-05_11-38-17.log](https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/files/7812533/Log_2022-01-05_11-38-17.log) > > all logs i collected Got it, thank you. But I don't have any clue on how it happened right now...

> Any other way we can fix it? @singhalrishi27 Still doing research, but from what I received the similar issues have the common thing that they all using macOS 12,...

can you check if the v2.2.0-alpha have the same panic? I don't see anyone reported the same panic yet.