
Results 7 issues of swish47

I followed exactly the same example in document [http://juliamath.github.io/Interpolations.jl/stable/convenience-construction/#Usage](url). However, Julia said that `linear_interpolation` and `cubic_spline_interpolation` are not defined: ``` using Interpolations help?> linear_interpolation search: Couldn't find linear_interpolation Perhaps you...

I want to broadcast a vector of matrix, with summation inside. Here are codes: ``` julia> using Tullio julia> x=range(start=-1,length=10,stop=1); julia> e=rand(10); julia> @tullio _[n]:=inv([x[n] -1.0;-1.0 x[n]-e[k]]); ERROR: MethodError: no...


In this simple example, if just including Tullio, everythings works well. ``` using Tullio,BenchmarkTools t=collect(range(start=-3,step=0.01,stop=3)); nb(e)::Float64=inv(expm1(e/1e-4)) @btime @tullio test1[n]:=nb(t[n]) 1.800 μs (1 allocation: 4.88 KiB) 601-element Vector{Float64}: ``` However if...


MathCompile cannot use external arrays and variables outside of compiler in the notebook. Is it possible to call them in process of compilation, similar to function `Compile`?

There are some issues when using `@reduce` as summation. Here, when define a martrx, TensorCast works well. ``` julia> using TensorCast julia> A=rand(4,4); julia> @reduce _[]:=sum(i,j) A[i,j] 0-dimensional Array{Float64, 0}:...

In a specific problem, I need to use nested `@cast`. But due to the check of coexistence of indices, I cannot accomplish this. Here is a simplified case: ```julia using...

I suppose that due to the similar idea from excited state algorithm in DMRG, probably obtain excitated state through iPEPS by AD is also feasible.