acceleration sensor data is required to play just dance series on dolphin emulator.
> I don't think setFpsOnEveryTouch will work. Becasue option "set fps" is for games which have a default 30 fps and don't call setTargetFrameRate. If the game call setTargetFrameRate at...
> https://github.com/brendonjkding/Unity60FPS/releases/download/setFpsOnEveryTouch/com.brend0n.fgotw60fps_0.1.1b3.setFpsOnEveryTouch_iphoneos-arm.deb > Since it's a test build, I changed setFpsOnFirstTouch to setFpsOnEveryTouch for convenient. doesn't work in gameplay screen as you expected😂
> I've just found a possible cause of this issue but not sure if it is the case. > Since it's a paid App IIRC, if you could provide a...
aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZHJvcGJveC5jb20vcy9tbGpuYmxzNWd6b28wanUvY3l0dXMyLnppcD9kbD0w dropbox link(base64 encoded)
> Just pushed an update. Not sure if it works. > This update also include other major changes. lmk if any apps not works after this update. Not working on...
> Hi, thanks for your plugin. Pressing TAB shows the chapter menu normally, but it doesn't register my mouse clicks. > > > > I'm using Linux Mint 21.1 and...
> Thanks for the quick reply. > > > > I see, my monitor is in 1280x720 mode indeed. > > I tried to change it to 1920x1080 and opened...