Zhang Xu
Zhang Xu
original_model have dropout while feature extract: https://github.com/ZQPei/deep_sort_pytorch/blob/master/deep_sort/deep/original_model.py#L69 but model do not have it: https://github.com/ZQPei/deep_sort_pytorch/blob/master/deep_sort/deep/model.py#L91 and self.net do not set eval() in Extractor: https://github.com/ZQPei/deep_sort_pytorch/blob/master/deep_sort/deep/feature_extractor.py#L9 so, original_model will output random embedding while...
Dear author: Congratulations on having your paper published in 2022 ECCV Oral! Also , thanks your great project! I have encountered a problem while evaluation result in VOC dataset with...