Fernando Vásquez
Fernando Vásquez
I followed the readme guide
I have installed Ejabberd from official installers, and just used the `erlc` included, example: ``` E:\ejabberd-15.07\bin\erlc -I ./include -I E:/ejabberd-15.07/lib -DNO_EXT_LIB -o ./ebin src\mod_restful.erl ```
Proposed YAML configuration is not working for me, any ideas? ``` erlang 2015-09-11 02:27:16.367 [critical] @gen_mod:start_module:107 Problem starting the module mod_restful for host options: [{api,[[{path,[]}, {module,mod_restful_admin}, {params,[{key,}, {allowed_commands,[register,unregister]}]}], [{path,[]}, {module,mod_restful_register},...
Worked pretty fine, but I had to change ip to ``` listen: - port: 8088 ip: "" module: ejabberd_http request_handlers: "/api": mod_restful ```
In which versions is `$fluent->convertWriteTypes(true);` actually working?
`$fluent->convertWriteTypes(true)` do not work for query parameters. For that I commented validation in `Queries/Base.php` in function `buildParameters()` ``` if ($value !== null) { $parameters[] = $value; } ```