Wenhai Zhang
Wenhai Zhang
I upload a `.vg` file(~460M) and a sample reads data(~61M) here. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vY4N9O1XLXDB1ukAljy4S_i21vea5-dp?usp=sharing The command I used ``` vg convert -fW test_merge.vg > test_merge.gfa vg autoindex -p test_merge_index -w giraffe -g...
Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't notice the update on the `wiki`. It can work without any issues when I used the GFA file with W lines. Now I construct...
I have already constructed index for my actual data and `vg giraffe` performs better. If you need to continue solving the exception in `alignment_to_gaf()`, I won't close this issue now.
Hi, I have a similar situation when installing vcflib for vg. My system: GCC 6.3.0, centos 7. I find that the error of compile not passing occurs in a few...
Many thanks. @adamnovak I have got reads position on the path in terms of original GFA node IDs with `vg giraffe --named-coordinates -o GAF`. But when I set all samples...
Thanks. @adamnovak > I think the problem might be that if you use --named-coordinates, the vg tools don't know how to understand the result and read it back: https://github.com/vgteam/vg/issues/4164. Your...
Indeed, I want it to keep work. I think I need to trace the original nodes in subsequent mapping and analysis.
@Sh1ne111 I didn't choose this approach later, so I didn't explore it in depth. Here is my example I tried. I hope it will help you. ``` vg giraffe -Z...
Yes, that is the only position in the code I changed. And I ran CAMISIM with `-debug` and returned traceback information. ``` 2024-01-11 09:56:36 INFO: [MetagenomeSimulationPipeline] Anonymize Data 2024-01-11 09:56:36...