Results 4 issues of ZWB

Sorry for asking this question, My training set is CT images consisting of kidney and kidney tumor, whose ground truth is labeled in voxel level. Now I want to do...

Sorry for bothering you, When I generate points from .off file by the following command, `./ ../../data/test/mesh/ ../../data/test/gt_8192/ "*.off" **8192**` The output turns out to be m60 8192 8227 pig...

Hi, Could I ask about the evaluation of the results of VQGAN. I generate the results by, `python -u vqfr/ -opt options/test/VQGAN/test_vqgan_v1.yml` Then I evaluated the metrics by the commands...

Hi, thanks for your novel work, and I'm confused about how to calculate the last Jacobian. For example, in the class HaarDownsampling, the Jacobian is calculated as follows, ` if...