
Results 3 issues of x

Hello, I'm having issues stopping hotel through `hotel stop`. Running on: Ubuntu 18.04 / 4.15.0-30-generic Node 10.9.0 ``` > hotel stop Stopped > ps aux | grep hotel (...)/bin/node /home/(...)/.nvm/versions/node/v10.9.0/lib/node_modules/hotel/lib/daemon...

When using vue-eva-icons in development it seems that there's some logic that's broken related to sourcemaps. Using Vue 2.6.6 and vue-eva-icons 1.1.0 ``` × XXX\frontend\node_modules\vue-eva-icons\dist\vue-eva.common.js:1850:83: Unterminated regular expression (1850:83) 1848...

It seems that the demo linked on [http://caza.la/synaptic/#/wikipedia](http://caza.la/synaptic/#/wikipedia) points to an expired domain that is now parked.