John zuo

Results 7 comments of John zuo

Hi,感谢更新,不过还是不行,因为高德地图SDK做了两个改动: 1. 参数名字改成了“vectorMapForeign”,而且是可以设置不同语言的,例如:vectorMapForeign:'style_zh_cn' 2. 使用者必须要申请开通海外地图服务功能。 这个是具体的文档:

This bug is very very wired. I have another lib got a similar problem. It is a little different warning message, but the same thing is it is good locally...

Also I found this in vue-core.js: , is possible we can move the 'vue' from "dependencies" to "devDependencies": ![Screenshot 2023-03-20 150211](

Hi @Skivs29 try this way: , if it is not work let me know. Thanks. ![Screenshot 2023-03-20 161610](

After research I got something which might relative, it is, Could we move the vue from "dependencies" to "devDependencies"? ![Screenshot 2023-03-20 150211](

Finally, it is fixed. I did this: ![Screenshot 2023-03-20 161610](