Aleksey Kuznetsov

Results 19 issues of Aleksey Kuznetsov

Placeholder is visible if you type `return` on the keyboard, i.e. when the editor has the following content: ```html ``` If you type text it works as expected.

This looks promising:

We can use `regex` crate for this.


I'm using manual installation, i.e. copying `SAMKeychain` and `SAMKeychainQuery` classes into my project. This will fail if `url == nil`. Perhaps other option is to explain that `SAMKeychain.bundle` is...

SwiftGen version: 6.6.1 Currently, in the `objc-m.stencil` in the `tr` function the initialization of the variable argument list is done like `va_start(args, key);`, but it should be `va_start(args, value)` instead,...

type: bug/fix

This fixes an issue with auto layout when the size of the control changes. The method `updateDotLayersLayout` is relatively cheap, we can remove the check for bounds size. Sorry for...

Currently `APIClient` has the `default` static property which creates the instance of the class with a base url and default parameters: In our usecase, because urls will be different,...

When I dropped `ILPDFKit` folder in a swift project I was't able to build it. Turns out I need to import UIKit and CoreGraphics for some classes in `ILPDFKit`. I...

Usually as a developer you want to fix errors first and then warnings, so let's show errors first in diagnostic picker. When sorting I use `lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::HINT` as a default value...


Current behaviour of `paste` commands is to detect a line ending and perform the linewise paste. This prevents pasting text (that contains a line ending) in the middle of another...
