Alexander Fröhling
Alexander Fröhling
my bad, you are totaly right.
hey there - i also would like to group stores the way i like. deminified your js, but cant realy use it is there a way to get the original...
disableAfterRate is on init true - set it to false an it will work - just for the guys who check this error and the code doesnt work
> Hi, > > We experience the following issue in our shop (SW 5.6.6): > > _directory /custom/plugins/WbmTagManager/Resources/views/frontend/index/index.tpl' not allowed by security setting_ > > This error only occurs when...
> @wbm-developer Could you please look in to this? you can use v3.3 until the problem is fixed - works for me. i know, not the best solution, but a...