Hi and Thanks, i read and i try all that i can read and find on net for at32403, i try with jlink but i don't have jlink usb device,...
i try to remove -v2 from openocd commad but nothing...i don't see the warning 
Thanks i will try! I have always less time!
Hi, i tried with lubuntu and the three openocd's command present in the giude...  but i can't remove RDP.   i see the warning  but...i'm not a...
i try to remove -v2 from openocd command but nothing..  .
Hi to all, i'm not able to remove rdp protection of at32f413rct7 on e new board.   I try with openocd 0.11 and 0.12 and i modify...
what i see that is strange for me is Cortex-M0...i think depend on cputapid but will not have to see Cortex-M4? Any suggestion @someone42 ?