
Results 4 comments of ztzthu

I see the problem duplicated with #500. Nvm :) Edit: Please mannually delete the relation from the Nominatim database. The previous relation was a result of vadalism from some random...

And could you please look into this issue: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?whereami=1&query=25.7452%2C123.4723#map=12/25.7452/123.4723 The reverse geocoding returns a relation that does not enclose the query point.

Thanks for the reply Ionvia:) Also do you have any comments regarding the third comment in this issue, i.e. https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/issues/2444#issuecomment-915912898 Is that also a result of some unsynchronization with the...

I see. I thought the two issues were the same. Will open another ticket for this one.