**Subsystem** Server, ktor-server-netty **Motivation** [KTOR-27]( AWS Cognito tends to send relatively large cookies to the server, or larger bearer tokens with JWT authentication. This means the standard 8KB limit for...
1. Can i convert all of the codes to kotlin? 2. Discuss bout kotlin coroutine and actor 3. Why kotlin is better?
Implement ### resolver actor function list: - can handling request - send response to resolve actor
Add gitter badge for korean dss commuinty(
Try monitoring dss server with kamon( and zipkin(
Add jdbc data access layer interface. In nowaday dss system, we need impletment singleton DAO(data access object) and call it in service actor. It is so inefficient that add a...
resolve non static path(like request param or path variable in spring framework)
### motivation We cannot config akka(like log level, provider and etc..) And want to config it programmatically. ### job - create property class under `` package - make a util...
The url of Rest event handling flow and Server initialize flow in linking to feature branch file and it will be delete after merge to develop. So, - ~~merge...