Zachary Gilman
Zachary Gilman
I'm seeing the same issue as mentioned in #69. 24 hours after starting encrypted-dns-server with `daemonize=true`, starting dnscrypt-proxy on the client with the relay set results in ```No useable certificate...
Reference: Collect data via the pm.status_path function and display on Longview.
The log entries don't include the log level (DEBUG,INFO,NOTICE,etc). In order to more-easily determine the desired log level, and for easier log collection, it would be useful if Stubby printed...
Hello, Firstly, thank you for maintaining this project. Running mkdocs-material 9.4.7 with mkdocs-static-i18n 1.2.0. I am probably missing something simple, but I cannot figure it out. When running `mkdocs serve`,...
EDE (Extended DNS Errors - [RFC8914]( are starting to work their way into major recursive DNS services, such as: Cloudflare: Google: It would be nice if Doggo could...
Thanks for this excellent project. I couldn't find this information, so I'm asking :) Can HelpScout run on MySQL 8? The prerequisites mention MySQL 5+, but the installer script actually...