Hi stutys, LMS7002M analog signals are not routed on LimeSDR-USB board hence not accessible.
This is just a RF matching question. It may be tuned to lower frequencies using different components.
Check this: https://myriadrf.org/news/optimising-limesdr-matching-hf/
Can not reproduce this on Gigabyte Brix computer. Running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. LimeSDR-USB forced to USB2 via USB hub. LimeSuiteGUI transmitting and receiving at the same time, command "lsusb -d...
The reason device stops working and starts emitting a continuous wave (cw) carrier as soon as "lsusb -d 1d50:6108 -v" is run is as follows: after command "lsusb -d 1d50:6108...
@rohlan - This issue was reported for LimeSDR-USB board when it is forced to **USB2** communication. From your last message I understand, that the same issue is for LimeSDR-Mini board,...
Hi @laf0rge, Apparently I closed this issue by accident. Reopening it, sorry for confusion!
Both diagrams are consistent. Just second diagram gives you more details about implementation. In the first diagram IQ data are fed to RSSI block. The same is in the second...
The only possibility to reload the gateware after update is power cycle the board in the current hardware.