Hi: I want to use HARD_EXAMPLE mining, what should I do? Does it only support MAX_NEGATIVE now?
Hello, please advise. What is the function of the following code, and what do 0.2 and 1.0 specifically mean? param = np.array([0.2]) param1 = np.array([1.0]) ... x = self.model.run( [...
环境使用 stephen222/ppq:ubuntu18.04_cuda11.4_cudnn8.4_trt8.4.1.5 容器, 代码使用最新master 分支 [Warning] Compling Kernels... Please wait (It will take a few minutes). Traceback (most recent call last): File "ProgramEntrance_2.py", line 293, in dispatching = PFL.Dispatcher(graph=graph).dispatch( File...