Version: Vineflower 1.10.0 (commit 6362c9408e5020814a35d4d669e0e4994680476e): Java versions used to compile the original code (same output received for all): - Temurin 1.8.0_332-b09 - Temurin 11.0.15+10 - Temurin 17.0.3+7 Original code: ```java...
Version: Quiltflower 1.10.0 (commit d43976c4523bf67344ee61366e997ac43f1927ef) Original code (if it looks familiar, it is the same code in #270 but with the if statement removed): ```java public class Example { private...
Version: Quiltflower 1.10.0 (commit d43976c4523bf67344ee61366e997ac43f1927ef) Original code: ```java public class Example { private void myMethod() { Object[] myObjects = new Object[]{}; int[] myInts = new int[]{1, 2, 3}; if (myObjects...
Version: Quiltflower 1.10.0 (commit d43976c4523bf67344ee61366e997ac43f1927ef) Original code: ```java public class Example { private void myMethod(String stringOne) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String stringTwo; if (stringOne.length() > 1) { stringTwo...
Version: Quiltflower 1.10.0 (commit d43976c4523bf67344ee61366e997ac43f1927ef) Original code: ```java import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.stream.IntStream; public class Example { private static T[] myMethod(Object[] myObjects, Class clazz) { return IntStream.range(0, myObjects.length).mapToObj(i -> myObjects[i]).toArray(size ->...
Version: Quiltflower 1.10.0 (commit 1f6ae217053f59dac8614e4a80cedca0c05c18e9) Original code: ```java public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { try { System.out.println("."); } finally { int i = 0; while (i...
Version: Quiltflower 1.10.0 (commit 1736a2c41f7a5cade89b1f3aa602b30778644920) Original code: ```java import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; import java.io.StringWriter; public class Example { public static Transformer newTransformer() { return null; } public String...
#### Summary This PR corrects a unit conversion for the *FileSettings.MaxFileSize* configuration setting (104857600 bytes is 100 mebibytes), and uses IEC prefix names instead of SI prefix names to make...
Gfycat was replaced by Giphy in the GIF picker, but the documentation still refers to Gfycat. https://docs.mattermost.com/configure/integrations-configuration-settings.html#gif-beta
### What happened? Some panels in a dashboard that I enabled as a public dashboard stopped returning data when viewed using the public dashboard link at some point (the dashboard...