
Results 40 comments of zsquareplusc

example does not show reading from the port. note, with parity enabled, received data with parity errors is currently discarded by the operating system. so choosing wrong parity could be...

`serial.tools.list_ports` has to be imported specifically as the `tools` module is not automatically imported by the `serial`module. i usually use ``` import serial.tools.list_ports for info in serial.tools.list_ports.comports(): print(info) ```

There was a Java coms support in pySerial 2.x, so you could try to install an older version. I've not updated the jython implementation as the Java coms API was...

I don't think that there is a reason to do this. My recommendation is to start these tools using `python -m serial.tools.miniterm` and `python -m serial.tools.list_ports`. And in case the...

Yeah that seems to be wrong. I'd prefer to fix the docstring.

yeah the example files in the repo are all more or less complex applications. but what would be a simple example? a bit of a problem is that there are...

I do not think adding RTS/DTR arguments to `__init__` is a good idea. Currently, setting an initial state without glitches only works on the Windows platform; adding these as arguments...

I'm not sure if that is true for every driver, but that's what i've seen so far. It may depend on the previous setting of the port, if hardware flow...

I see no way around using `try-except` to catch the error.. note that `readable()` always returns `True`, threfore the example above will constantly call `in_waiting` and use CPU even if...

there are multiple (5? 6? more?) APIs to list serial ports in Windows.. and not all ways find the same ports or allow access to further info about the port....