Zsolt Botykai
Zsolt Botykai
I'm on windows (official GNU windows built Emacs (24.*) and the latest Spacemacs, and while I'm trying to use either define-word or define-word-at-point I'm always getting: ``` error in process...
Something like all `SELECT|UPDATE` statements could be folded up to the next `;`. `LOOP`s to `END LOOP`. Even better for PROCEDURES, FUNCTIONS, PACKAGES...: ``` PROCEDURE myawesomeproc(vi_invar1 IN NUMBER, vi_invar2 IN...
Hello, I'm behing a company proxy, and unable to get project lists from our local Jira installation (on Windows, using cygwin (space)emacs with Curl and the rest branch). `$http_proxy` is...
I love your script and swapping out Instapaper for me. It would be great if after successfully downloading and converting to epub all the downloaded articles would be archived (now...