Trying to run this code from the docs: ``` from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord from pydna.readers import read from pydna.amplify import pcr from pydna.primer import Primer template = Dseqrecord("tacactcaccgtctatcattatctactatcgactgtatcatctgatagcac") from Bio.SeqRecord...
Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_ - Repository: https://github.com/zslastman/Ribostan Confirm the following by editing each check box...
Sorry if this is an issue for the knitr guys rather than you... This works fine and results in a plot on the html report outputted by running spin() on...
Hey guys - looks like the manual has the wrong default for the disp diff option: Text in the manual: ``` OPTIONAL: -d DISPDIFF Allow different dispersions for Ribo-seq and...
Hi guys - to double check some of my own work, I've been trying to compare it to scikit-ribo's estimates of predicted protein abundance (PA). If I read the paper...