
Results 3 issues of zshu-alt

老师,您好,非常感谢您开发的软件,这个软件使我的运行更简便了,我使用了该软件运行了WGS流程,结果是正常的 我得到了相应的脚本,但是当我尝试使用该软件进行WES分析时 ,一直出现一个报错:[Error] Interval parameters in configuration file may be different from that input gvcf file list when calls 与我的WGS配置文件相比,我的WES配置文件只修改了这一部分: interval: ["./ilus_wes.bed"] variant_calling_interval: ["./ilus_wes.bed"] 我将原来的染色体变为了我的bed文件 我的bed文件格式为: chr1 1000101 1000284 请问这种报错是什么原因导致的?...

Hello! I was able to successfully run the FRASER analysis with 11 local bam files. To increase the sample size, I added the data in GTEx. The operation went smoothly...

Hello, I successfully used smn_caller.py to get the results, I want to use smn_charts.py I drew a picture, but I got this error Here's my code: smn_charts.py -s /home/dell/project/muscle/WGS/SMNcopynumbercaller/SMN_try.json \...