
Results 26 comments of zrn-fight


@545641826 I have deployed the matrix project according to your deployment method. I changed the domain name in export host = localhost to my own domain name fontweb.asia, but after...

I deployed it on Tencent ECs. Do you mean that I only need to deploy it on my own computer? OK, I'll deploy locally. Thank you

OK.After I typed docker-compose run --rm -e SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME=$HOST -e SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=yes synapse generate on the virtual machine,there was an error that I haven't solved.Errors are reported as follows: 【ERROR: Couldn't connect...

![N@1UDS(L17Y L8JP 9I}N](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56158909/127673990-39f326d9-ffa1-4b32-8852-cb63b2547917.png)

![767N``Z7`9${T8RG)FFLFH](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56158909/127719876-3dfaaee7-2956-4fb7-ad83-bb9141d8a321.png) After I typed sudo sed -e 's/#app_service_config_files/app_service_config_files/' -e '/app_service_config_files/a\ - \/data\/wechaty-registration.yaml' -i files/homeserver.yaml,an error appears as shown in the picture.【sed: unable to read files / homeserver.yaml: there is no...

I tried to use the new version you wrote, but an error was reported after entering Chmod + X. / run.sh. I tried the first version of easy matrix wechaty...

【chmod: : unable to read files / homeserver.yaml: there is no file or directory】 I'm also curious why the first version can run. I just reentered the command in the...

ok,I will try to install a client.

Is the service started by running this command [docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d]? The service cannot start after I run it