Results 51 comments of zrlw

it seemed that mod_sftp.c has nothing do with proftpd session.

because we want upload multiple files simultaneously with only one connection which is limited by the server side.

we tested creating multiple remote directorys with one JSch channelSftp shared between multiple threads but failed, even we synchronized channelSftp mkdir method, proftpd got mixed requests and created wired directorys.

> I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish, on the client end of things. But I'll work on a patch to have `SFTPMaxChannels` honor any ``/`` configurations....

> @zrlw [This PR]( should allow your configuration to work as desired, if you'd care to test it out... it works for us. ``` As a Shared Module If your proftpd is compiled with mod_ifsession as a shared module, then you must make sure that mod_ifsession is loaded last: ```

please upgrade nacos-client dependency to


发现有副作用,排除掉dubbo依赖的spring-context-support版本之后,注入dubbo的@Reference注解就会ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Class ( 95行)

根源是 alibaba的spring-context-support升到1.0.11并没有考虑向前兼容,AbstractAnnotationBeanPostProcessor新增的classValuesAsString,nestedAnnotationsAsMap默认为true,而当前所有dubbo版本的ReferenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor依赖的是spring-context-support 1.0.10以及之前的版本,dubbo使用spring-context-support 1.0.11时需要将这两个值改为false。 我给dubbo提交了修订: apache/dubbo#8217