Zahra Rajabi

Results 4 issues of Zahra Rajabi

I am training a model using bert and TF2.3. I have loaded both language-agnostic Bert Sentence Encoder model (laBSE) and another multilingual model from TF hub or bert_multi_cased_L-12_H-768_A-12, and I...

Another weird error once I was running in colab: in () ----> 1 from fast_bert.data_cls import BertDataBunch 2 from fast_bert.learner_cls import BertLearner 3 from fast_bert.metrics import accuracy 4 import logging...

I want to train multi-label classifier, however, I get the following error, although from what I have read, we should set pos_weight and set multi_label to True, Could you please... is not included in your code. Where can I find it? Thank you so much.