> thank you so much for your suggestion,the instanceIp should hold instance port. I will check this problem in all trace module. The field `instanceIp` is ambiguous. It is recommended...
TO @KomachiSion The affected functions seem to be newly added in this milestone. So can this issue catch up with version 2.1.1?
Is there a better solution now? Since we are using `SpringMvcContract` now, and we have to override it. ```java @Override protected void processAnnotationOnMethod(MethodMetadata data, Annotation methodAnnotation, Method method) { //...
ref: #8109
@shuaizai88 @Reyoo 密码部分进行 URI `%` 那种转义试试 注意:在 js 里面是 `encodeURIComponent` , `encodeURI` 不行
see also: https://github.com/apache/phoenix/tree/v4.13.2-cdh5.11.2