As per https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/releases/release-notes-3.0.html, this release now supports Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040. Please update Zephyr to 3.0.0 for all platforms using Zephyr, including Raspberry Pico. Thank you.
Hello, Sometime ago, I raised this issue on DevZone, not sure if it got the appropriate attention. Hence, raising the request here. In nRF Connect for Mobile, custom UUIDs show...
Hello, I’m seeing a potential bug when uploading an image to the external flash of a device. After the upload, I get the “Error: Not supported” and device disconnects. However,...
The `nRF51` variant json file for `Generic_nRF51822` is missing in `/.platformio/platforms/nordicnrf51/boards`. I have verified that the following `generic.json` works fine with `nRF51822` (and `nRF51802`) boards. ``` { "build": { "arduino":{...
Thank you for the enhancements to the trigBoardV8_BaseFirmware enhancements. There is a buffer overrun issue in `getRSSI()`. includes.h: `char rssiChar[5];` WiFi.ino: ``` void getRSSI() { //Serial.print("WiFi RSSI = "); int...