thanks for the quick answer! I understand quite well your position if I have a working code I'll made a pull with pleasure -it's always a pleasure to work with...
This issue still interests people. See post on the forum https://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/block_requests/form-block-submission-to-senders-email
100% agreeing with hunterwebsiteservices I've seen https://github.com/bitterdev/concrete5_express_batch_importer which may be a clue (but not tested)
Thanks Aembler So, the problem remains. As the user never logged, I've deleted it from the Users table directly in MySQL? I know it's bad but... mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE NotificationAlerts;...
Hi I've just discovered and tester Manuskript, quite interesting. But I have a problem in some way similar to the one of @hmslima : 1) for my writings, I'm not...
thks, little + to add current date and user assign: if (typeof window.toolbar !== 'undefined') { var dateObj = new Date(); var month = dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; //months from 1-12...
yes: a url (button or sthing else, the easier for you) download an iCal file with all the tasks with a due_date > TODAY sthing like (sorry it's ugly, I'm...