
Results 25 comments of zoufangyu1987

I have the same promble. vgg16 is good , zf is bad

@farmingyard @ananddb90 @linchaozhang @KeyKy @leolee96 Do you have 0.5_shufflenet and 0.75_shufflenet caffe pre-trained model,train.prototxt? thank you !

@farmingyard @ananddb90 @linchaozhang @KeyKy @leolee96 I need to run ShuffleNet on "ARM" or "DSP", so that speed is the most important. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you very much...

Do you have 0.5_shufflenet and 0.75_shufflenet caffe pre-model,train.prototxt? thank you !

Because there are not only detection modules in my project, but also other modules, so I need C++, look forward to guidance! 因为我的工程里不只有检测模块,还有其它模块,所以需要C++,望指导!

@Markusgami This is OK, mainly forward-propagating code needs to be converted to c++, is there any available c++ code? Thank you! 这样是可以,主要是前向传播的代码需要转成c++,有可用的c++代码吗?谢谢!

@jnulzl Can you share your c++ code? Thank you! 可以分享你的c++代码吗?谢谢!