Zoryana Vakh
Zoryana Vakh
Hi @davidfaber, Thank you for providing an example! Unfortunately, I still couldn't reproduce the issue. Which platform/browser do you use? Also, I suspect it might be the form itself that...
Hi @Mohitkumar6122! Thank you for reaching to us! As @e271828- mentioned, , that's the expected behavior! The onLoad is triggered when the hCaptcha script is loaded. You can find [more...
Hi, @Mohitkumar6122, we check if the script content is loaded, not if the script element is present that should be the reason however, what do you mean by "this is...
Hi, @Mohitkumar6122 as far as I remember we're checking for the `hcaptcha` in the frame window. However, I'd not recommend trying to go with such the workarounds like deleting it...
Hi @awesomephant! Thank you for notifying us about the issue! And thank you a lot for providing us with the investigation details and the test app for reproducing it! We'll...
Hi @marcinburzynski , Thank you a lot for notifying us about the issue! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce it. Do you have any custom styles (related to `z-index`,...
Hi @thathurtabit, Which version of react-hcaptcha gives you the following error? It looks similar to [the issue we've had with 1.5.0](https://github.com/hCaptcha/react-hcaptcha/issues/176). It should be fixed in [our latest 1.6.0 release](https://github.com/hCaptcha/react-hcaptcha/releases/tag/1.6.0)...
Hi @thathurtabit , Thank you for confirming! We appreciate your help a lot! Hope you enjoy your experience with hCaptcha! Best Regards, IMI Dev Team
Hi @GeekCornerGH, Thank you for notifying us about the issue! And thank you a lot for providing the way to reproduce it! It seems to be a non-blocking issue, as...
Hi @L0NG4R3S! What is your use case, is there anything specific you would like to achieve with passing the style prop? If yes, have you tested that it would work...