Andreas Jung

Results 54 comments of Andreas Jung

There is also this JS error ``` app.js:4183 Uncaught TypeError: this.statEl.text(...).css is not a function at Class.init (http://localhost:9100/_site/app.js:4183:64) at Class (http://localhost:9100/_site/app.js:265:28) at Class.init (http://localhost:9100/_site/app.js:4347:19) at Class.prototype.(anonymous function) [as init] (http://localhost:9100/_site/app.js:281:64)...

The problem seems to be specific to Chrome on Linux. Firefox on Linux works

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding how ```{{#helpers.snippet}}{ "attribute": "headlines" }{{/helpers.snippet}}``` works. I want the value of `headlines` only to be displayed as snippet if there is a hit found within...

I changed my configuration to ``` instantsearch.widgets.hits({ container: '#hits', templates: { item: hit_renderer } }), ``` with this `hit_renderer() ` implementation ``` function hit_renderer(data) { return ` {{#helpers.highlight}}{ "attribute": "title"...

This is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the KDE default installation. No particular idea about the underlying window manager stuff.

This gives me an error ``` Plone:641 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'preview' of undefined at HTMLButtonElement.preview (Plone:641) ```

Sorry, I forget to reference my code With this code The "Print" link is being displayed. Clicking on the link turns the background image to white and then it...

Nothing on the console. With line #79 removed, I get this (before and after) clicking on my "print" link: ![screenshot-dev2 zopyx de_8080-2020 07 22-16_38_23]( ![screenshot-dev2 zopyx de_8080-2020 07 22-16_39_08](