
Results 5 comments of zoomingrocket

@glxorlando - Explore Custom Instrumentation Hook if you know the entry package.method for WSO2, this will help you start capturing proper spans Look at #2048 for more details and it...

@glxorlando - Reading this article https://medium.com/@raj10x/monitor-wso2-products-using-appdynamics-8faf72e83a7, for WSO2 Custom POJO entry point is “org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.SynapseMessageReceive#receive()”

@trask - Thanks for the custom instrumentation hook enhancement with 3.1.1! It's a huge life saver to nail down issues quickly in distributed COTs ecosystem 👍 Now extending the idea...

@trask - Should i be logging a OTEP request or upstream enhancement is tracked differently?

@trask - Thanks, logged similar request in upstream Otel Project - [Otel - 6517](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/issues/6517 )