Daniel Zwolenski
Daniel Zwolenski
Thanks Tom, I guess it can be a bit intimidating for non-maven users. I'll see if I can convince them. I understand about the maintenance hassles. I have a few...
Thanks for that, nice one. Regarding the GCT upload I thought it would just be a straight upload through your Repo's admin UI? If not, yea, leave it with me...
So I'm not sure if this will work for you or not, but basically I've just Mavenized the actual google-closure-templates project. Have a look at the attached pom.xml. I've overridden...
It seems I can't attach files here (I did a reply-to-email response before with the attachment). Here's the POM: https://gist.github.com/3373676 I think a few of those dependencies could be scope=optional...
Will do. No worries. I'll get that to you, probably tomorrow. There's no huge rush on this from my end so don't stress if you can't get it uploaded before...
Does this zip do the job: http://zenjava.com/demo/test/google-closure-templates.zip I've not deployed to a file directory like this before, so if it's not what you need, just let me know what's wrong...
Hey Tom, I've done the pull request (first I pushed my changes, which I hadn't done). A couple of things: I haven't done anything to the JScript side of things...
I don't really want to turn off Spring's Binding/Validation stuff as I think I can still use this in my templates (e.g. @Valid on my controller). I'll experiment and find...