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A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.

Results 29 embedded-database-spring-test issues
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I believe that when nested tests are discovered through inheritance (abstract `A` has nested `N`, subclass `S` inherits nested `N`) the nested tests do not respect `RefreshMode.BEFORE_EACH_METHOD`. The original project...

I've a simple service with a `@PreDestoy` method which calls a database repository. This PreDestory method is often executed after the database has shutdown ! > > Scenario: run anything...

Hello, I tried to upgrade to org.testcontainers:postgresql:1.17.1 today. Now builds fail with ``` UsagesRestControllerTest > initializationError FAILED java.lang.IllegalStateException at DefaultCacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate.java:132 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException at ConstructorResolver.java:658 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException at SimpleInstantiationStrategy.java:185...

type: bug

Hello Team, I am facing an issue while running embedded test in SpringBoot both while running through Intellij as well as from CLI, I have tried to follow the logs...

type: dependency-upgrade

Test containers library has recently added support for `withReuse(true)`, which makes test startup faster, unfortunately I can't find any way to enable this option in this library.

type: documentation
type: task

Hi all, Existing connection pools available in spring boot have a common feature to launch some SQL statements to initialize new SQL connections. This feature is available in spring boot...

type: enhancement

Hello, we are using this integration and it's amazing! Thank you for it. We are slowly migrating from Linux to MBP M1 (Apple Silicon), and facing a problem with Docker...

type: documentation