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A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.

Results 29 embedded-database-spring-test issues
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Hello is there way to use zonky with R2DBC? I tried many things, but nothing help at all. Maybe it is possible to set port? Because as I see hostname,...

type: task

It is a requirement of DBUnit to make DB cleanup works. Setting this in test properties: ``` zonky.test.database.postgres.client.properties.autocommit=false ``` crashed embedded database creation with: ```log Caused by: io.zonky.test.db.provider.ProviderException: Unexpected error...

status: waiting-for-feedback

Getting `Failed to load ApplicationContext` when running multiple tests together after macOS update to Big Sur. When running just one test then everything usually works the first time after restarting...

status: on-hold

Apparently each test run creates a script detect_linux_distribution_.sh in the system temp folder. Running the test several times leads to having the exact same script in numrous instances in temp....

type: enhancement

![Capture](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7643288/85507419-f8040880-b60f-11ea-9089-30c3bd648b0f.jpg) While running the test case , when the springboot test is shutdown forcefully in windows , the postgres intance that started is not getting killed. version of embedded-database-spring-test used...

type: enhancement

After tests are run, I receive the following warning: ``` {2022-09-06 23:57:32,588} level=WARN logger=io.zonky.test.db.provider.postgres.ZonkyPostgresDatabaseProvider thread=ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1 Unable to release 'aihloqghwiau' database org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2675)...

Are there any plans to update to the latest version of testcontainers-java? Newer versions support DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG environment variables which would be really nice to have.

type: dependency-upgrade