localhost IN A
localhost IN A
- JsDelivr has poor performace in China, so this replacement will greatly improve loading speed for users in China. - Unify resources loaded from ByteDance public libraries to `lf6-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com` to...
Google Fonts 在国内有节点,比 fonts.loli.net 用的 Cloudflare 反而会快不少;Polyfill 在国内一些省份被墙,可以换成阿里的。 Replace `fonts.loli.net` to `fonts.googleapis.cn`, `gstatic.loli.net` to `fonts.gstatic.cn`, and `polyfill.io` to `polyfill.alicdn.com`
BootCDN and StaticFile have been removed due to potential supply chain attack risks, see https://greasyfork.org/en/discussions/development/249443-polyfill-supply-chain-attack-bootcdn-and-staticfile However, due to CDNs in the allowed list such as ByteDance and baomitu have problems...