
Results 13 issues of Zombo

I am getting random freezes on 2 Esp-32s from nodemcu. doesn't even give a dump. i bought a new board that's coming in tomorrow so well see if it's just...

I was trying to add new speed ints for x,y,z, noise speeds. I added getspeedx ,getspeed y, getspeedz into the fields and other parts to where it shows up on...

These patterns are causing Soft WDT resets { drawVU2, "VU2" }, { analyzerColumns, "Analyzer Columns" }, { analyzerPeakColumns, "Analyzer Peak Columns" }, Soft WDT reset ctx: cont sp: 3fff2cd0 end:...

Is there a way to implement this in an arduino Nodemcu/D1mini ESP8266 that doesn't need a PC to crunch the audio input from an electret mic?

I keep getting an error on Facebook debug check that the product is missing ID from the collection.fb template

Does anyone have working code for this?



Multicore xTask doesn't currently work for FastLED and Esp32 =( Gives weird errors and the system freezes and throws a core dump https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED/issues/626


need websockets, there is a Async version, but it requires an immense amount of webserver rewriting.

help wanted

need to fix some audio patterns to work. VU2 and spectrum waves and a few others throw issues: can either: - freeze the pi ( maybe it's waiting for the...

help wanted