
Results 56 comments of Albert

``` ~/ORB_SLAM2$ nano CMakeLists.txt find_package(OpenCV 4.0 QUIET) ```

``` media = mycam.create_imaging_service() media.SetImagingSettings({'VideoSourceToken': '000', 'ImagingSettings':{'Focus': { 'AutoFocusMode': 'MANUAL', 'DefaultSpeed': 0.3, 'NearLimit': 1.0, 'FarLimit': 10.0, 'Extension': None, '_attr_1': None }}}) ```

try to resize: ``` from djitellopy import tello import cv2 me= tello.Tello() me.connect() print(me.get_battery()) me.streamon() while True: img=me.get_frame_read().frame img=cv2.resize(img,(360,240)) #img = cv2.flip(img,0) cv2.imshow("Image", img) cv2.waitKey(1) ```

have a look here: it marked as deprecated but i have built successfully realsense2, ORB_SLAM3 on odroid xu4 ubuntu 20.04.

have a look at publishing topics and subscribers. print em out here.

``` from audioplayer import AudioPlayer import threading import time from pynput import keyboard def background_audio():, block=False) while True: if pausing.is_set(): a.pause() if resuming.is_set(): pausing.clear() resuming.clear() a.resume() if stopping.is_set(): a.stop()...

so 35 sec at start not good enough as we see. lets do our best with multiprocessing ! we just add this block of code: ``` import multiprocessing cpus =...

its imagio issue. seek for it here. sould be something like this: ``` #imageio.mimwrite(video_path, vid) #cv2.imwrite(video_path, vid) frame0 = vid[0, :, :, :].squeeze() out = cv2.VideoWriter( video_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MP4V"), 20.0, (frame0.shape[1],...

can you post video on youtube as i cant see anything with 360 resolution and cant register on bilibili ?