It looks like latest firmwares don't report position on the local, maybe that information would be in the cloud (the app must get that somehow) but it seems the cloud...
Not currently. I've tried to hack it in on [this issue](https://github.com/devWaves/SwitchBot-MQTT-BLE-ESP32/issues/117#issuecomment-1507582412) but got stuck and over my head with my programming abilities. If someone more capable were able to take...
If you use Home Assistant the native integration works just fine over Bluetooth. It's actually one of the only reasons I now run HA along side OpenHAB to get that...
Really it's just the ability to understand the C (I think) this is written in and look at the python the HA integration uses for the blind Tilt and be...
@lamw I am actually having this same error on v0.8 with a slightly different error message. If I comment out that line, Connect-VIServer is recognized as a cmdlet but fails...
Just to add, after sleeping on it I figured I would try adding "Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Scope AllUsers -Confirm:$false" to the top of the Process-Init function and it seems to...
I had the same issue but I had to do a "feature:install openhab-transport-upnp" from the karaf console to fix it.