Zohim Chandani

Results 6 comments of Zohim Chandani

I dont have `%matplotlib inline` explicitly defined in my notebook but `circuit.draw('mpl')` produces 2 outputs. Any ideas whats happening there?

I am getting the same error, any chance this is going to be looked at in the near future?

I am facing a similar issue. Steps to reproduce error: 1. Ran [example 7](https://qmcpack.readthedocs.io/en/develop/lab_afqmc.html#example-7-2x2x2-diamond-supercell:~:text=results%20for%20methane%3F-,Example%207%3A%202x2x2%20Diamond%20supercell,-In%20this%20example) which generated the `afqmc.xml` file pasted below: ``` 32 16 16 hdf5 afqmc.h5 hdf5 afqmc.h5 1e-8...

QMCPACK team @prckent, do we have some momentum in trying to resolve this? We would like to run some workloads on GPUs but are blocked by this error currently. Is...

I have some qGANs code where the discriminator performs a bunch of Pauli expectation values from which a loss function is created. The discriminator looks something like this: ```python3 def...

A little update on my previous issue: ``` import pennylane as qml dev = qml.device('forest.qvm', device='Aspen-8') dev.num_wires ``` ``` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyquil.api._base_connection' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call...