Zohaib Muhammad
Zohaib Muhammad
Thanks for your reply. I was using `save_summaries_steps=3` and `log_step_count_steps=3`. After setting these parameters to None, the placeholder error has solved. Now there is another error in evaluation. Here is...
Hi Boyang Deng (@Awcrr ), Thanks for your reply. I have updated the parameter as you suggested. However, still there is an error which may be caused due to low...
Hi, Thanks for your help. I am working on it. Can you please share complete transformed dataset in tfrecord format? Or, if possible, can you share the way of conversion...
> Long story short, you can change the 1e5 number [here](https://github.com/tensorflow/graphics/blob/2ba659d29e8bbc2a7fb2463f83f48fe62b1a5eee/tensorflow_graphics/projects/cvxnet/lib/utils.py#L151-L154) to a small enough number that can fit into your GPU memory. > > We use an 8G memory...
Hi @JiaqiuZhou, Did you render the images in multiple views?
Also, can we use the estimated 3D keypoints for finding a relative rotation between two views of the same object? As shown in Table 1 of the paper [https://keypointnet.github.io/](https://keypointnet.github.io/).